Friday, February 3, 2012

Getting your testing project into orbit!

If you look at a the underside of a rocket (hopefully not as it’s about to take off), you’ll find that there are two types of rocket engine with different functions,
  • Propulsion. This is performed by the huge rocket engines, and are the workhorse of a rocket where most of the energy and fuel goes. It gives it the power to take off and escape the Earth’s pull and get into orbit.
  • Steering and navigation. This is achieved both by much smaller engines (thrusters), and steering mechanisms on the big propulsion engines. They use much less energy but perform a vital function. They’re there to help to steer it and keep it on course.

A rocket launch will only be successful with a good balance of both propulsion and steering. Neglect the main boosters, and the rocket won’t have enough power, and will come plummeting down to Earth disastrously. But neglect the steering mechanisms and the rocket will be unstable and easily topple over, leading to a similar fireball.

Much like the engines of a rocket, I like to see testing activities as a similar context, they’re either for ‘moving us forward’ or ‘steering us in the right direction’.

Without doubt the activities that moves us and our project forward are those of actually executing tests, raising defect and reporting. This is how we add value to our products – we find problems and work with developers to resolve them. This is how we make our product better, and really we should aim to spend as much time and energy in here as possible.

And though we’d ideally like to spend less time on them, our steering activities are still important, because they make sure we’re on course with our main task. These activities include,
  • Test estimation
  • Test planning
  • Requirements review
  • Test scripting (and automation)
These actions by themselves have no real value, only in the way they have a relationship with our main activities.

In an ideal world you should look at the time and effort you spend on all these activities during testing a project. If you feel you’re spending more time on ‘steering’ activities than ‘main thrust’ activities something is wrong, and you’re not spending enough time on the core of where you deliver value.

This happened a few years ago – I worked on an automated project, where our scripts were often over 10 years old, and very badly coded in places. So frequently our scripts would often fall over and we’d spend a lot of time and effort during regression testing running them and fixing them. It became a bit of a joke that we ‘were getting very good at testing our scripts’ … but not so much our product.

Sometimes to just get it done it was easier to just run them manually! But that's the point. The value of these tests wasn't in supporting the automation, but to actually have the test execute the desired function in our test application.

The obvious and idealised model then for getting your testing where it needs to be is all about getting as much testing and hands-on the product as possible – this is your propulsion, your core activity as a tester.

But you also need to do just enough of the navigation tasks so that you know all this effort is pointed in the right direction to deliver what your business needs. If some task is becoming arduous (as with some of our automation), the big question has to be “is it really adding value to my core activity”. All your steering tasks should have a clear contribution towards your core tasks, if it’s not making the test execution phase better, then it’s probably excess baggage time-wise and needs a bit of trimming.

Test scripting is a good one for this. If you are writing complex and arduous scripts but having no access to your product when you do this, you have to wonder if this is going to really add value. How do you know your script will align to the finished product? Wouldn’t a lighter scripting approach, and using the product as you write them be better, because you’ll actually be doing some execution (and thus finding bugs as you go along).

Likewise with test plans. It can be tempting sometimes to try and make an iron-clad plan of all kinds of details, which is great if you have all that information to hand. However I’m frequently finding that no matter what you put in your test plan, there’s always something you’ve missed or has changed. Projects are almost living creatures with an ability to morph, change, grow from inception. Better to get a plan together, and up-issue it as changes evolve.

Get the balance right in your testing tasks, and there’s no heights you can’t reach …


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